Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Importance of Language - 1238 Words

Language is defined as any body which can be written, spoken shown or otherwise communicated between people. Thus it is obvious that it is significant in all areas of knowledge, as well as balanced. Making it absolutely necessary in learning. I believe language is the most important out of the four ways of knowing due to its influence on the areas of knowledge. It is also significant in each area because it plays a large role for the basic awareness of each area. The austrian-british philosopher Ludvig Wittgenstein even says that the limits of language are the limits of knowledge. According to Wittgenstein, What can be thought clearly, he says can also be said clearly. Language is the greatest factor on which most of the human†¦show more content†¦It also uses symbols such as the periodic table of elements. In biology, for example, studies how the body determines what traits people are born with through chromosomes. Chromosomes carry messages, a part of language, from two in dividuals who have gone through body communication. Perception, reason, and emotion are not as significant to the learning process in the areas of knowledge. This is different from language, where its significance is shown in all the areas of knowledge. In fact,Show MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Language1026 Words   |  5 PagesLanguage is a â€Å"systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings† ( Merriam Webster Dictionary, 2012) . Language is essential for humankind. Without language, civilization that we see today; would be impossible. Our thoughts, our dreams, our prayers, communications; everything is language. Language helps in sharing a person’s knowledge and thoughts with others. 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